Selected Press Mentions

Dr. Lewandowski has been quoted as a relationship expert
in hundreds of media outlets.
Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal "The Pandemic Made Our Relationships Stronger"
Appearance on CNN “Putting the ‘I’ in Marriage” ***Video***
New York Times “The Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage”
New York Times “The Sustainable Marriage Quiz”
American Psychological Association (APA) "Breakups Aren't All Bad: Coping Strategies to Promote Positive Outcomes"
Today "Seniors looking for love this Valentine’s Day may have better luck in these 10 states" (February 2022)
Yahoo "Your Post-Breakup Plan, in 20 Expert Steps" (January 2022)
Discover Magazine "What Is Cuffing Season and Is It a Real Thing?" (January 2022)
Men's Health "What Does Love Feel Like? Here's How to Tell if You're in Deep." (August 2021)
- "Relationship Expert to Couples (and Co-Founders): Please Fight More"
Daily Mail "Why more sex isn’t the key to a better relationship" (July 2021)
ABC "Could 15 questions help you determine if your current romantic partner is the best of the best for you?" (July 2021)
The Guardian "Has the pandemic actually been good for relationships?" (July 2021)
CNN "Your Reddit posts could predict a breakup over 3 months before it happens" (February 2021)
- "Psychology Experts Weigh in on How COVID-19 Has Impacted Dating & Relationships"(November 2021)
InsiderNJ "Monmouth National: Uptick in Relationship Satisfaction During COVID" (February 2021)
HelloGiggles "Dating Someone With Anxiety? Here's What You Need to Know" (January 2021)
The Healthy "5 Relationship Deal Breakers That Suggest It’s Time to Move on" (January 2021)
BigThink "7 research-based resolutions that will help strengthen your relationship in the year ahead"(January 2021)
People "New Year’s Resolutions Couples Can Make Together" (December 2020)
Stylist "Want to get back together with your ex? It’s a sign your relationship was unhealthy to begin with" (December 2020)
Metro "Want to get back with your ex? It could be due to identity loss, study says"(December 2020)
Yahoo News "A Professor Explained To Us Why Relationships Can Fall Apart (And How To Keep Love Alive)"(February 2020)
Metro "Ask These Ten Questions to Test Whether Your Relationship Has Lost its Spark"(January 2020)
Yahoo News "The 15 Questions to Check if Your Relationship Will Work, According to Experts" (January 2020)
Prevention "How Long Does It Really Take to Get Over Someone After a Breakup?" (November 2019)
- "Can you really stay friends with an ex?" (October 2019)
Women's Health "15 Tips For Dating After Divorce" (September 2019)
ThriveGlobal "8 Signs You're in a Strong Relationship" (July 2019)
- "Why You Should Stop Trying to Find Your Soulmate—And What to Do Instead" (November 2018)
- "You Will Never Find Your Soulmate, Here's What To Do Instead" (November 2018)
SwipeLife Tinder "Here's What's Really Behind Your Dating 'Type' and Why You Should Ditch It." (October 2018)
- "I've Been Dating My Partner for a Year and a Half, but I Still Haven't Said I Love You—Here's Why" (October 2018)
- "Here's How To Break Up with Your Gym." (October 2018)
Women's Health "Your Guide To Getting Over That Ex You Just Can't Shake" (August 2018)
The Independent "Nine Signs Your Marriage Isn't As Happy As You Think It Is" (March 2018)
Huffington Post "9 Signs Your Relationship Isn’t Worth Fighting For" (April, 2018)
USNews "5 Health Benefits of Being Single"(February, 2018)
The Daily Beast "Why Heartbreak Hurts—and How to Fix It"(February, 2018)
Thrive "15 questions to determine if your relationship is Hall of Fame material or a strikeout" (February, 2018)
Shape Magazine "4 All-Too-Real Reasons Friends Break Up (and How to Deal)"(January, 2018)
VICE “Playing Hard to Get Is Effective, According to Psych Researchers” (August, 2017)
Psychology Today “Breaking Up: Positive View Despite Emotional Turmoil” (July, 2017)
Chicago Tribune “Is Your Soul Mate Out There? Here’s What Experts Think.” (April, 2017)
Men's Health "The Man's Guide to Getting Over a Break Up" (February, 2017)
New York Magazine (Science of Us) "What Does Closure Even Mean, Anyway?" (February, 2017)
Business Insider "8 Signs You're in a Strong Relationship — Even if it Doesn't Feel Like It" (February, 2017)
New York Magazine (Science of Us) "How a Breakup Distorts Your Sense of Self" (February, 2017)
USNews "7 Types of Friends You Need to Break Up With" (February, 2017)
Asbury Park Press "It's Amazing, How Many Men and Women are Cheating" (February, 2017)
Yahoo Finance "How to Ask Out a Stranger without Seeming Like a Creep" (February, 2017)
NJ101.5 "Most Americans Believe in Soulmates. But is it Better if You Don't?" (February, 2017)
Bangor Daily News "What Science Can Tell You about Finding Your Valentine" (February, 2017)
Good Men Project "A Flirter’s Dilemma: Subtlety Vs. Success" (February, 2017)
- "Here's How Many Americans Believe in 'Soulmates'" (February, 2017)
The Talko "16 Dating Experts Share Their Best Advice For Finding Love" (December, 2016)
USNews "3 Common Marriage Vows That May Actually Be Unhealthy" (October, 2016)
Thrillist "Smart Dating Technology May Be Making Us Relationship Stupid" (August, 2016)
The Academic Minute (WAMC) "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" (July, 2016)
Psychology Today "The Breakup Museum: One of 11 Tips to Heal Your Heart" (June, 2016)
Glamour "Is There Really Just One Person for Each of Us?" (June, 2016)
Marie Claire "These Are the Qualities Men *Actually* Look for in Women" (May, 2016)
Asbury Park Press "Which Dating Apps Make the Match?" (April, 2016)
Washington Post "It’s Not All Tears and Loneliness: The Positive Side of Breaking Up" (April, 2016)
Redbook "8 Ways You're Emotionally Detached in Your Marriage Without Even Realizing It" (March, 2016)
Scholastic (Choices Magazine) "How to Break Up (Without Being a Jerk About It)" (March, 2016)
Time "How to Choose a Valentine, According to Science" (February, 2016)
BusinessInsider "How to Figure Out if Your Partner is Right for You" (February, 2016)
Newsweek "Valentine's Day: How Science Can Help You Pick the Perfect Partner" (February, 2016)
New Republic "Science: Here’s How to Find Your Valentine" (February, 2016)
IFLScience "Should You Be My Valentine? Research Helps Identify Good And Bad Romantic Relationships" (February, 2016)
Men's Health "Why Young Women Marry Older Men (It’s Not Always About Money)" (January, 2016)
- "Here's What It's Really Like to Date Someone Way Hotter Than You" (January, 2016)
The Atlantic "Why Ikea Causes So Much Relationship Tension" (September, 2015)
Men's Health "25 Ways to Fix a Sexless Marriage" (September, 2015)
Cosmopolitan “4 Reasons Break-Ups Can Be GOOD for You” (July, 2015)
Yahoo Health “You Don’t Need Ashley Madison’s Hacked Information to Spot a Cheater” (July, 2015)
Men’s Health “5 Women Reveal Why They Went Home with Him” (June, 2015)
Psychology Today "Is Your Relationship Growing or Diminishing Your Real Self?" (June, 2015)
TED Talk
Huffington Post “The No. 1 Thing To Do If You Want To Move On Post-Split” (May, 2015)
HelloGiggles "Science says break-ups can be good for you. Seriously." (May, 2015)
Cosmopolitan “Watch This Scientist Perfectly Explain Why Your Breakup Won't Destroy You” (April, 2015)
Bloomberg/Asbury Park Press “Rethinking hospital gowns, breakups and climate change” (April, 2015)
Psychology Today “5 Ways to Heal a Broken Heart” (April, 2015)
Greatist “How to End a Relationship Without Being a Jerk” (April, 2015)
Baltimore Sun “Beauty Is In The Shifting Eye of the Beholder” (April, 2015)
eHarmony “The Best Break-Up I Ever Had” (March, 2015)
Iowa Public Radio Interview “The Science of Love” (February, 2015)
Self “Here’s What Everyone Does On Valentine’s Day” (February, 2015)
Forbes “What's Love Got To Do With It?” (February, 2015)
USNews “The Anatomy of a Broken Heart” (February, 2015)
io9 “The Best Way To Recover From A Break-Up — According To Science” (February, 2015)
New York Magazine (Science of Us) "Happy Couples Are Probably Deluding Themselves" (February, 2015)
MedicalDaily “Time Heals All Wounds: Broken Heart Mends 3 Months After The Breakup, Says Science” (January, 2015)
Puckermob “6 Ways to Break Up with Someone Without Emotionally Scarring Them for Life” (January, 2015)
NPR "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, But Science Can Help" (January, 2015)
Yahoo Health "When Opposites (Seem to) Attract: How Does Science Explain Sexual Chemistry?" (December, 2014)
Cosmopolitan "Could Your Stress Level Be Messing Up Your Relationship?" (October, 2014)
Men's Fitness "Men Who Do Housework Really Clean Up in the Bedroom" (October, 2014)
Glamour "How to Keep Stress From Ruining Your Relationship" (October, 2014)
YourTango "Don't Lie To Yourself: Looks Really Do Matter A Lot" (September, 2014)
DatingAdvice "Study: 1 in 5 Women Would End a Relationship Over “Bad Sex" (August, 2014)
New York Magazine (Science of Us) "The Case Against 'Soul Mates'" (August, 2014)
APA Monitor “Making the Grade” (April, 2014)
CBSNews "Twitter use linked to relationship conflict, infidelity, breakups and divorce." (April, 2014)
Psychology Today "The Best Psychology Websites You Probably Never Heard About" (March, 2014)
92.7 FM / 101.5 FM "Survey Reveals Valentine’s Day Truths " (February, 2014)
USA Today "What We Really Want for Valentine's Day" (February, 2014)
- "Valentine’s Day 2014: What do women really want for Valentine’s Day?" (February, 2014)
- "Want to Rekindle Your Romance? Try Double-Dating" (February, 2014)
Ladies Home Journal “Separate Bedrooms, Happy Marriage” (October, 2013)
Men’s Health “What Do You Do When You Vacation Turns Awful” (August, 2013)
USA Today “Professor Researches, Teaches Science of Love” (February, 2013)
Asbury Park Press “Secrets of Love and Intimacy Exposed” (February, 2013)
MyHealthNewsDaily “Three Ways to Bounce Back from a Broken Heart” (February, 2013)
Redbook “Get Ready to Crush on Your Husband” (January 2013)
Women’s Health “Curious if You’re a Normal Couple?” (January 2013)
NBC Today Health “A House Divided: Love, Marriage and Opposing Political Views” (October 2012)
Huffington Post “The Psychology of Pick-Up Lines” (August 2012)
Washington Post “How to Pick a Successful PickUp Line” (August 2012)
- “When Two’s a Crowd” (August 2012)
Men’s Health “Why She’ll Cheat on You” (May 2012)
- “Young and Divorced: How to Bounce Back” (April 2012)
KMTV Action News appearance “Do You Have a ‘Me Marriage?’” (February 2012)
- “How To Survive a Bitter Break-up” (July 2011)
USA Today “Adult Sexting Tied to Power, Unlimited Partners” (June 2011)
Woman’s Day “8 Dating Rules You Should Break” (June 2011)
Woman’s World “Easiest-Ever Ways to Make Your Marriage Even Happier” (April 2011)
Marie Claire “The New Couple Rules” (April 2011)
Philadelphia Inquirer “How to Tend a Marriage.” (March 2011)
The Cavalier Daily “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Has the Most Attractive Personality of Them All?” (February 2011)
Women’s Health “The Science of Heartbreak” (April 2010)
Cosmopolitan "Are You Way Too Obsessed with Your Ex? " (July 2009)
Men's Health "Flirting With Disaster"(April 2009)
Cosmopolitan "Why More Chicks Are Now Cheating" (February 2009)
Self Magazine "Inner Beauty"(April 2008)
Ladies Home Journal "Beauty Is More Than Skin-Deep" (April 2008)
Science Daily "Personality Traits Influence Perceived Attractiveness" (September 2007)
Psychologies Magazine "How To Have A Good Break-Up" (September 2007)
Self Magazine "Split Dividends" (July 2007)
British Psychological Society – Research Digest